Sticky Toffee Surprise: A story retold

Lovisma was planning a big surprise for Halloween night.

Last year Breeze spoiled her surprise, this year she was being careful.

“He won’t ruin my Halloween night.” She muttered. She sat on a fat mushroom watching her spoon do laps of the pot as it stirred the thick bubbling mixture.  “Hmm vanilla toffee apples who can resist them?” She giggled.

On hearing a twig snap she looked up, then relaxed as one of the Muppet Bunnies dashed past her. He was carrying a carrot and intent on getting back home.

“Nothing will spoil this surprise. I am safe here as that stupid Ogre is helping Elegant and the Fairies make bobbing marshmallows.” She said.

Breeze was standing a short distance away disguised as a giant pumpkin.  He got the idea from Bob (click here to see him as a pumpkin.)  Breeze wished to prevent another Halloween disaster created by the tiny witch.  Everyone knew Lovisma hates pumpkins.

Sometime later the wood was filled with the silence, as everyone was preparing by dressing as either their favourite witch or ghost, Lovisma placed buckets of her special toffee apples around the party tables. The apples sparkled and glowed. “What child or ogre could resist these twinkling smiling apples?” she muttered.

Meanwhile, Breeze was holding a meeting with the adults. “I am not sure what will happen when you take a bite so I took one from her basket.” He stared at the Fairies and Elves who were busy shaking their heads as they muttered things like, “well you would have to be mad to take a bite”.

He held an apple in his hand and stared at it.

Tulip said, “Well we won’t know until you take a bite from it.”

Breeze didn’t want anyone to think he was afraid. He closed his eyes and took a bite. Hmm, it tastes lovely. Then as he watched the toffee ran off the apple like a river and lay around his feet. He made an important discovery. I am stuck. He groaned.

Elegant said, “I bet she plans on taking all of the children’s treats while they are stuck to the ground. I am sure it will wear off soon Breeze.”

“How soon? I don’t want to miss the best party ever.”

He sounded so sad that the fairies and elves started working on a spell to free his feet. Once he was free. Breeze said, “I think you should create a special spell for Lovisma.”

The party was great. The children loved the bobbing marshmallows that looked like giant spiders. They laughed when Matt tried to eat a real spider thinking it would taste of marshmallow. The spider was not happy as he scuttled away into the dark night.

The children turned their attention on the toffee apples. Lovisma held her breath and waited.

Matt grabbed an apple. He took a bite. She flew upwards impatient to see his distress when his feet became stuck. However, once he broke the skin, the apple fizzled and sparkled sending bolts of dancing lights into the night sky.

Lisbeth, Lillian and Daisy-Lyah’s apples played a musical tune the minute they held them.  Children were grabbing apples and dancing and laughing with delight as each apple revealed a treat.

Lovisma was angry. Her face was bright red. Something was not right.

“Give me one!” She grabbed an apple and instantly the ground beneath her feet began to shake. Everyone ran for cover as two tall scarecrows appeared carrying pumpkins. They placed the pumpkins on the ground and rolled them at Lovisma.

She was knocked off her feet to land on a huge pumkin. It seemed to swallow her then with a soft, pop, her feet and arms and head appeared.

Lovisma screamed.”I’m Trapped. Help. I’m not a pumpkin.I don’t even like pumpkins.”

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She waddled off into the wood crying, “I bet you did this Breeze.  I will get out and then you had better watch out.”

Lisbeth was sitting beside Breeze shivering. “I hope she doesn’t get out. She is nasty.  But why do you look happy? You should be worried Mr. Breeze.”

He smiled and said, “I am not, because Elegant added her forgetful potion to the spell so Lovisma will escape from the pumpkin but she will have forgotten everything and we will have a great party.”

Daisy-lyah and Lillian were kind Fairies and they filled a basket full of treats for the naughty witch.