Solving the mystery of Toby the Kangaroo

The morning after Lilian’s visit Tulip wrote a brief note to Lilian. She then folded it into the shape of a butterfly and told it where to go.


Dear Lilian,

Thank you for the cookies. They were scrumptious. Yes, it was Breeze who said that. I would love your help in solving the mystery of Toby the Kangaroo. Where did you find him and more importantly why did he vanish?

Should I be worried?

Showers of happy hugs to you,



Lilian smiled. She knew the mystery would need an answer. Tulip was an inquisitive fairy. This is her letter answering Tulips question. (It was shaped like a ladybird)



Dear Tulip,

Regarding the cookies why wouldn’t I bring you and the Ogre some of his favourite foods. But I wonder what food does he hate?

The mystery is really no mystery. Breeze told me of the problem with the naughty witch, Lovisma. I made a suggestion and he loved the idea.

Do you remember how Mr. Snuffy, the gnome, used to entertain us by making shapes from balloons, mud and carving images from vegetables?

Well I took a balloon and made a Toby. He was made to last approximately five hours and he did.

This meant we could talk in peace and Lovisma got to race a kangaroo until she fell asleep with tiredness. When she woke, Toby was gone.

So you see, no animal, being or witch was harmed and we had a very pleasant afternoon. Give my love to Breeze. Can you tell him I’m working on the other project he mentioned?




Smoke Day – Part 2


When Breeze returned to Tulips house. She was sitting on her patio drinking a cup of honey and camomile tea.

His nose twitched in response to the delicious smell.  She smiled. “Would you like a cup?”

“I’d rather a chocolate chip and blueberry muffin.”

Tulip scowled. “That is two muffins not one.” She handed the muffins to him on a dainty flower patterned plate.

“Thank you two is always better than one. “Breeze sat on her porch.

Tulip smiled and waited. Breeze ate the muffins then said, “why did you look angry earlier and why did you create a dust storm?”

Tulip scowled. Her  ponytail danced up and down as she said, “I’ve visitors coming.”

“Oh, do I know them?” Breeze asked.

“Fairy Lilian and Lovisma.”

Breeze frowned. Tulip quickly said, “Lovisma likes Lilian. When she heard Lilian was coming tomorrow, Lovisma invited herself. That is why I am angry. I don’t want to have a witch in my house but I do want Lilian to come. She is fun and makes amazing chocolate chip cookies. You would like her Breeze.”

“I am sure I would particularly if she brings cookies.” He sat for a while and watched the clouds tumble high in the sky over his head.

“Tulip. I could help with Lovisma if you wanted me to.”

Tulip frowned. “Does it involve squishing or stamping on her?”

Breeze shook his head. “I would like to try it once, just to stop her bouncing about. She looks like a strange kangaroo.”

“Yes, she loves kangaroo’s.” Tulip giggled.

Breeze stood. “I have to go. Thank you for the scrummy yummy cakes.”

Before Tulip could say a word he was gone. She could hear him whistling as he walked into the wood. She wondered what he was planning. “I bet I will soon find out.”

The next afternoon the butterfly clock in Tulips house was fluttering at three o clock when Lilian arrived.

The fairy flew up to Tulip, gave her a kiss on each cheek and said, “I’ve brought you a present. It was suggested by a friend.”

“Why thank you, Lilian.” Tulip looked around her she couldn’t see any thing but the box of chocolate chip cookies  Lilian carried in her special handbag which was shaped like a lady bird.

“I’ve followed the instructions and left him down by the river.”

Tulip narrowed her eyes and looked at the curling dancing river. She couldn’t see anything. “Never mind I suppose I will find out later.” The two fairies went indoors and spent hours chatting, catching up on family news. Their laughter sent sprinkles of  sparkling fairy dust dancing high into the sky.

Breeze called to see Tulip later that day. “Did you have a good day?” he asked. Stars were tumbling from his eyes

She laughed. “Thank you I did.” Tulip considered him carefully. “What did you do to her?”

Breeze said, “I didn’t do anything.”

Tulip thought about it for a minute. “Okay what did you ask Lilian to bring for me? And what did you do with Lovisma.”

Breeze said, “I did not touch one purple hair on the little witches head. You can ask her if you like, she is in the field beside the waterfall.”

With that he turned around and went back to his favorite tree for a nap.

Tulip flew towards the waterfall. She sat on a rock in the middle of the river. It didn’t take her long to find Lovisma. She could hear the witch shouting at someone called Toby.

Tulip flew close and hid behind a giant sunflower. She smiled.

Lovisma was bouncing from one giant mushroom to another. Right beside her and racing her was a tiny kangaroo.  She smiled as she watched the kangaroo and the witch race around the field.

“I think Breeze deserves some cakes, but maybe not too many. Just enough to say thank you.” She decided to leave solving the mystery of where Lilian found the Kangaroo named Toby for another day.


A Smoke Filled Mystery (Part 1) 500 words

Breeze saw a cloud of black rising from the edge of the forest. “Fire,” he bellowed.

His voice set the ground shaking. Trees were wobbling like jellies shaking the birds and squirrels out of their resting places. Birds flew away, squirrels bounced along the ground.

Breeze  slid down the trunk of the tree. He ran to the centre of the wood and roared, “Fire.  Get to the river.”

Everyone heard and obeyed. Fire was not a thing to play with or wait to admire. Breeze ran towards the strange cloud.

Mrs. Groundsel dashed past him, she had a child under each arm and a wooden spoon tucked into her hair. She stopped. “Breeze where are you going?”

“To check on Tulip and make sure everyone is out of the wood.”

“Okay, be careful.” She picked up a tiny frog who was hopping on the spot but not moving forward. “I’ll take care of the rest, ” she said, tucking the frog into the pocket in her apron. She raced away.

“She is one Super granny ogre.” Breeze said and ran towards Tulips house.

He was almost at her house when he stopped and smelt the air around him. “Funny but it should smell smoky and horrid by now. This is a strange fire.”

Close to Tulips house he saw some rabbits nibbling on fresh grass. He looked at them and wondered if they were deaf or did they not know fire was dangerous. He was too worried about Tulip to stop and talk to them.  “I’ll come back for you,” he said.

They ignored him and kept eating.

Breeze got to the house and looked about him. Tulips house was on the edge of the forest.  He looked about him. Where is the fire? He wondered.

Tulip came out to him. “Why was the wood and the ground shaking?”

Breeze shook his head, he didn’t want to say he made a mistake. “Fire drill, yes we were practicing in case there is ever a fire. We need to know how to  get out fast.”

small pic

Tulip looked closely at him. “Really?”

Breeze smiled.

“And who was the fastest?” Tulip began to sweep her front step.

“Mrs Groundsel. ” Breeze muttered.

Tulip was sweeping very fast. She made the air about her was turn thick and black with dust. His eyes followed the rising dust. It rose in a hurry high above her house, as though it were trying to escape.

“It’s a cloud of dust.” Breeze said and sat on the ground with a thump. He gave himself a minutes rest then he trotted off to explain to everyone why he thought it was a fire. As he ran he wondered why Tulip was cleaning with so much energy. She usually did that when she was mad at someone or something.

There is a mystery to be solved back there. I will have to return and find out why Tulip is cleaning like a crazy fairy. Breeze thought as he hurried along.  But first he had to do a lot of apologizing to all the scared beings who were sitting on the bank of the river wondering if they would have a bed to sleep in tonight.


Why Ogres have green skin.

The first Ogre was a giant called Charlie. It was said he could stretch to reach the clouds. His feet were bigger than a large saucepan.  Charlie’s hands were huge like dinner plates.

Charlie lived in the middle of a huge town. When he tiptoed around town, birds fell off their perches. Jellies lost their wobble and collapsed onto plates. Children ran and hid.

Charlie felt sad. He loved talking to people, telling jokes and having fun.

The trouble with being left on your own is fun is hard to find.

One afternoon he said, “I am leaving. There is no reason for me to stay. I live on my own. I talk to nobody. Visitors never come to my house. It is time to move on.”

This he did. Charlie packed up his clothes. Then bundled them along with all the food he had and placed them in a tablecloth. He knotted the ends of the cloth together, slung it across his shoulders. In a box he put everything he thought he would need. Hammer,  plates, a saucepan and kettle. Charlie walked a long distance.

When he reached the base of the Lumpy Sugar Mountains. He sat on a fallen tree and looked around him.

It was pretty. Birds came and sat beside him. Charlie enjoyed listening to their twittering and singing. He took out a chunk of bread. The birds fed on it and flew towards the large wood in the distance. A rabbit came to sit by him.

Charlie looked at the mountain.  It looked big, cold and lonely. He looked at the wood. He noticed many birds, rabbits and squirrels darting in and out of the trees. He decided birds and rabbits might be good company. He set off to find a place in the wood.

Charlie loved living in the wood. He found a river to fish in and a spring with clear sweet water to drink. He discovered berries and apple trees on the outskirts of the wood.  In the fields surrounding the wood farmers planted crops of potatoes, carrots, cabbage and broccoli. Charlie was never hungry.  If he took some of the crops from the field he always repaid the farmers by mending gates and walls. Though the farmers were puzzled by this magical mending.

In time others came to live in the wood.  Charlie fell in love with a daughter of an Ogre family he knew.

The change in the Ogre’s appearance happened slowly. The Ogres lived in the deepest darkest part of the forest.

They rarely saw the sun because it was filtered through the trees high above them. Because of this something strange began to happen to Charlies grandchildren.




Their skin began to take on a slightly green tinge.

As they were the only Ogre family in this wood, well, they didn’t care about their skin colour, they were happy.

And Charlie? He always believed having green skin was a very small price to pay for happiness.