A rainbow called Ernest


Large grim clouds rolled past, Ernest but he didn’t listen to their grumbling. He was tired of the sameness of his days. He wanted an adventure. No, he decided I want to do something wonderful for someone.

Then to his dismay he heard laughter around him. Stars peeped out from their hiding places to mock him,  birds joined in as they flew high into the sky to see what was happening, “you can’t do anything more wonderful than existing. You are a mish mash of colours. A rainbow to brighten peoples days.” On and on went the comments all insisting he was crazy to dream of doing great deeds.

“Not deeds,” he mumbled. “Just one act of kindness, to help someone somewhere.”

As the moon rose and sank to be replaced by the sun over and over again, Ernest began to believe he was wrong and they were correct. He would never be more than a blur of colours flitting about the earth. So, he learned to stay quiet to keep h is dreams hidden, afterall they cannot mock me if they don’t know what I am thinking, can they?

Feeling a little sad and useless he hovered above the earth only appearing when the sun bellowed for him to come out from his hiding place. Then one day he grew tired of this manner of behaviour. He decided to go off on his own and see what he could do.


He used the large grumbling clouds as his cover. This allowed him to zip past huge mountains, vast cities which frightened him with their loudness and false lights. He wondered about people. He didn’t understand them but still he stuck with his idea. Somewhere, he thought someone is looking for help and maybe I am the one to do it.

What this it was he had no idea but it was a comforting thought that he might only know it when it happened.

A child sitting on top of a bale of hay caught his attention. The child was crying. Not a loud harsh cry but a soft whimper, as an animal would do if it were in pain. Ernest let the clouds go on without him he went lower and lower until he could see the child. It was a young boy. He was  talking to himself.

“I am not stupid. Someday I will get it right. Anyway they are only sums, not important stuff like bringing Annie home from school safely with me. I didn’t mean to get them wrong. No, I am not stupid or an idiot.”

Ernest felt sad for the young boy. He whispered to him. “No one is truly stupid, I mean some of us are silly sometimes we do the wrong thing without thinking, I think they are called accidents. Anyway I think you are clever if you manage to get Annie home safely.”

The boy stopped sniffling and looked about him. “Where are you?” When he didn’t see Ernest he said, “I am not only stupid I am crazy, talking to myself and answering myself.”

Ernest chuckled and as he did his colours began to grow stronger until the boy could see him.  He looked at Ernest and said, “I am Steve, how do you do?”


Ernest didn’t answer for a minute. He was thinking. Steve interrupted his thinking time by asking, “What are you doing here.”

“I came to help you feel better.”

How can you do that? I am stoopid and that is the end of the matter.”

“No you are amazing most people don’t see me unless the sun shines on me. They think the colours just appear they don’t know it is my job to make them appear.”

Steve asked, “can you feel colours.”

Ernest replied, “I do but I don’t know about you but we can test it.”


“Like this.” Ernest gathered all of his colour bands close to him and swooped gently down beside Steve then very slowly Ernest wrapped his many colours around the tiny boy.  As he worked he asked, “Well can you feel anything?”

“I feel wonderful, happy and warm. I feel ….” Steve was struggling for a word.

Ernest whispered in his ear. “Remember you are clever to have spotted me, clever to have felt the warmth of the rainbow colours, hold that warmth within you and take these feelings and memories out on days when you feel sad.”

From then on Steve learned to smile from the inside out.

Versatile Blogger Award

We would like to thank Kim Gosselin of http://kimgosselinblog.com/ for awarding us the Versatile Blogger Award.

Breeze is delighted to have the honor of being the first Ogre, blogger with an Award. Thank you Kim for your kindness. For parents, young or old, or grandparents Kim’s site is a delight and I highly recommend it to everyone.

versatile blogger

The rules of acceptance for this award are to share 7 interesting facts about yourself in addition to nominating 15 other bloggers for this award.

Our attempt at Seven “Interesting Facts”

1. I (Maria) am stubborn, so stubborn at the age of four I refused to be bullied into writing with my right hand. This set the tone of my life as I carried a bright sign titled: Bully me or die trying..

2. This site came about by an accidental comment on Doris Pacheco’s site and the subsequent follow up drawings and story.

3. Doris and Maria have never met. Doris lives in America and I live in Ireland.

4. Mudpile wood is an actual place. Situated near my home in County Meath.

5. Maria has had short stories printed in magazines.

6. My imagination will not switch off.

7. I love chocolate but it hates me – I seem to be allergic to milk chocolate as it brings on a sinus condition.


1 This project started with a photo of my favorite tree , a tree that I have never touched or hugged, it is my neighbors, but it fascinates me, he is my friend. The photo of the tree was for my time out for art I do every Thursday with my friend Lisa, she lives in Ecuador, and she is one of the reason I did this project, she doesn’t know I have this page, and will find out today about the book and gets an award today.

2 I am an abstract painter, and Lisa encourage me to draw, had not drawn for more than 20 years, so I started having fun every Thursday and it made me take on this project.

3 And, just like Lisa, Gian Paolo a writer from Italy, inspired me to get off my comfort zone, he is really good at writing and creating characters, he has a thing with detail. So, he inspired me to create more than 15 characters.

4  I have never illustrated a kids Book before, my projects are very different. Maria does not know this but I got sick the first couple of days, I had no clue how to start and did not know how to do it either.

5 I went a million times to the library to see kids books, had to learn how to draw characters.

5 I made three characters with red hair, they remind me of  a friend Jonathan Caswell, he very nice, funny and sweet, a poet, he always re-blogs everyone.

6 Another interesting thing about the book, as I was finishing with the drawings, Maria published another book called Moving On, I did not know about. Please buy it.

7  Lastly, I had help from the best creative director, my niece Lillian she is 12 and she helped us in many ways. It is funny how kids tell you the truth, if she did not like something, she told us. Many things were cut out because of her. Lillian, want to tell you thank you and I love you. You were the main reason behind this project. Had lots of fun with you and Marcelo :).


1 http://79nexus.wordpress.com/
2 https://callmecaitlin.wordpress.com/
3 http://mylittlegrasshoppers.wordpress.com/
4 http://lizandlifestyle.wordpress.com/
5 http://monkeyworks.org/
6 http://thekidshavegonetoschool.wordpress.com/
7 http://doodlemum.com/



10 http://playamart.wordpress.com/

11 http://witlessdatingafterfifty.wordpress.com/

12 http://kmihran.wordpress.com/

13 https://aquileana.wordpress.com/

14 http://lorienyoga.com

15 http://hillsofherchastity.wordpress.com/

*If you are an “Award Free Blog” or do not have time to accept please know that we understand. Your work is always very much appreciated.

We won an Award!!!

We are all really happy, a big thank you to davidmbeecroft. He has awarded us the Liebster Award.


Before I explain the rules of the Award and answer David’s tricky questions I would like to say this about him: he has a way with words that stops you in your tracks and makes you think about why you do stuff. This, for me is a much needed few minutes of reading. I love his thoughts for today. Check out his blog on the link above and judge for yourself.



Which in our minds is a giant twelve foot shiny button that cannot stay still as it flashes like a rainbow coloured traffic lights.


Liebster Award


Liebster Award Rules


The Questions were answered by Breeze with notes /remarks by Tulip in brackets.

Q1: Do you like tea?

Yes if it is flavored with vanilla muffins.
(What he means is he drinks muffin soup )

Q2: What are you having for dinner tonight?

Pumpkin Stew with wild rice and mushrooms and I can’t wait for it.
(Cooked by Mrs Groundsel because all Breeze can cook is eggs, boiled, fried, scrambled or poached)

Q3: If you could have any super-power, what would it be?

To be able to shrink as small as a fairy.

(He wants to be able to fit into my kitchen and eat all the muffins and cakes!)

Q4: Do you have a super power/ ability?

My current super power is climbing Trees. I am the only Ogre who can do this.
(He learnt to do this to avoid going to school or working)

Q5: Why?

I climb trees because I love watching clouds and the world below me. It is also a pretty powerful place to sleep.
(He is hidden from view and can sleep his days away instead of working)

Q6: How strong are you?

I can lift a 200 year old tree full of birds.

(It comes in handy if a tree falls to the ground)

Q7: What colour eyes do you have?

Dark brown.

Q8: How are you today?

 I am a little tired because I helped Hamish paint his house a beautiful shade of purple.

 (This means they painted the house, themselves and their pets, and the surrounding trees purple. Some of the birds were pretty angry to find their nests were now a yucky shade of purple.)

Q9: Snog, marry, ignore? I prefer to ignore.

Q10: What pet would you like to own?

 I am happy with my pet frog. Spike has a remarkable love for dancing.He does not sing much but he loves to dance especially hip hop dancing.
(Luckily frogs hate cup cakes.)

Q11: What is the happiest you have ever been?

 When I was a toddler I fell into a batch of marshmallow Icing. It was better than any present. (This is true I was told he ate his way out of the bowl)
And the last part of the award is to pass this award on to other bloggers so here we go:
4 Confessions of a crummy mummy
5  ecschmit87
6  swimintheadultpool.com
Now for the tricky part your list of questions are as follows:
1 If you were stuck on an island what is the one thing you would bring with you?
2  Which do you prefer exercising or reading or blogging?]
3  Why did you start blogging?
4 World War three has broken out what do you do?
5 What is your favorite film?
6 Do you still hang out or keep in contact with your school friends?
7 List your top five favorite foods
8 Are you a city person or a country person?
9  What makes you happy?
10 what makes you sad?
11 What would you like to be when you grow up?
small pic