Versatile Blogger Award

We would like to thank Kim Gosselin of for awarding us the Versatile Blogger Award.

Breeze is delighted to have the honor of being the first Ogre, blogger with an Award. Thank you Kim for your kindness. For parents, young or old, or grandparents Kim’s site is a delight and I highly recommend it to everyone.

versatile blogger

The rules of acceptance for this award are to share 7 interesting facts about yourself in addition to nominating 15 other bloggers for this award.

Our attempt at Seven “Interesting Facts”

1. I (Maria) am stubborn, so stubborn at the age of four I refused to be bullied into writing with my right hand. This set the tone of my life as I carried a bright sign titled: Bully me or die trying..

2. This site came about by an accidental comment on Doris Pacheco’s site and the subsequent follow up drawings and story.

3. Doris and Maria have never met. Doris lives in America and I live in Ireland.

4. Mudpile wood is an actual place. Situated near my home in County Meath.

5. Maria has had short stories printed in magazines.

6. My imagination will not switch off.

7. I love chocolate but it hates me – I seem to be allergic to milk chocolate as it brings on a sinus condition.


1 This project started with a photo of my favorite tree , a tree that I have never touched or hugged, it is my neighbors, but it fascinates me, he is my friend. The photo of the tree was for my time out for art I do every Thursday with my friend Lisa, she lives in Ecuador, and she is one of the reason I did this project, she doesn’t know I have this page, and will find out today about the book and gets an award today.

2 I am an abstract painter, and Lisa encourage me to draw, had not drawn for more than 20 years, so I started having fun every Thursday and it made me take on this project.

3 And, just like Lisa, Gian Paolo a writer from Italy, inspired me to get off my comfort zone, he is really good at writing and creating characters, he has a thing with detail. So, he inspired me to create more than 15 characters.

4  I have never illustrated a kids Book before, my projects are very different. Maria does not know this but I got sick the first couple of days, I had no clue how to start and did not know how to do it either.

5 I went a million times to the library to see kids books, had to learn how to draw characters.

5 I made three characters with red hair, they remind me of  a friend Jonathan Caswell, he very nice, funny and sweet, a poet, he always re-blogs everyone.

6 Another interesting thing about the book, as I was finishing with the drawings, Maria published another book called Moving On, I did not know about. Please buy it.

7  Lastly, I had help from the best creative director, my niece Lillian she is 12 and she helped us in many ways. It is funny how kids tell you the truth, if she did not like something, she told us. Many things were cut out because of her. Lillian, want to tell you thank you and I love you. You were the main reason behind this project. Had lots of fun with you and Marcelo :).









*If you are an “Award Free Blog” or do not have time to accept please know that we understand. Your work is always very much appreciated.

15 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. you two have a ‘knocked out of the ball park’ grand slam of a winner here! how can one NOT smile when visiting this site?!

    thank you, dear doris, and i am delighted that a little nudge sent you down this new trail, and i already love you, dear maria, after reading several other posts besides this one.

    scoot over, por favor, and please make room for one more follower!


  2. I am always amazed at your kindness, I cannot believe you sent me this wonderful award! I did not come right over to tell you, so sorry. I did mention on my own post thanking you but am so sorry for not telling you ‘in person!’ I am getting ready to post about this award, so hope you will forgive me and we shall stay connected. Distance sometimes can make the heart grow fonder! Abrazos a Maria y Doris! xoxo


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